Ill-effects of pride

Ill effects of Pride

(Verses 16:18 & 19 in Chapter 16 of Proverbs are clubbed together).

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18).

Any arrogant ruler or any superior authority falls down due to sheer pride. History is replete with such fallen rulers. In the Christian world also, many of the evangelists and pastors used of God mightily have fallen by the roadside due to spiritual pride as they had not read the warnings written on their walls; they had not hearkened to the voice of other children of God. They do not know how they had fallen. But in the eyes of God, they are fallen. The spiritual pride is the first weapon used by the Devil against God's servants. Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud (Proverbs 16:19).

Those people who consider themselves lowly have an humble spirit. We should always look for such people for our friendship instead of friendship with the proud in order to partake of their spoil. Our business partnership should be with those who have the humble spirit, though they may not have much capital to offer. Nowadays, we are tempted to have partnership with the rich people who are arrogant. If your business partner is a humble person who may not have much money, then your business will fly to great heights. The rich people with a prideful heart may have unaccounted black money but the poor people with a humble spirit may not have much money but a good character.

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