Soft words and tongue of the wise

Soft words and tongue of the wise

A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger (Proverbs 15:1).In every situation, we have to give a soft answer even when provoked. When people shout at you angrily, you should not lose your temper but answer patiently.

We should avoid grievous words that would hurt the feelings of others. Many of us do not know how to use our tongue. Our words should not hurt others. There has to be clarity in our words so that others may understand our message correctly. We should learn to speak softly or to utter soft words.

The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness (Proverbs 15:2).

Our tongue should always reveal knowledge of what we know. We have to express ourselves in a manner to be understood by others. Knowledge does not mean what we have learnt through our head. It is the knowledge that we have learnt out of experience. Modern-day academics fail us because we teach something which we have not experienced. They teach from some syllabus prepared by some learned people. If the teacher is given option to slightly modify the fixed syllabus in order to teach the syllabus out of his own experience, it will definitely impact the hearts of students. Teachers have to be given some general syllabus which they should teach from their own experiences. There are variable and invariable syllabuses. Invariable are those scientific inventions which we cannot change. Variation are those subjects that are variable with the times. I can teach a variable subject out of my own experience. In other words, I can teach what i have seen, read or learnt on my own. If we are wise, we can impart knowledge from our own life.

Eyes of the Lord

The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. (Proverbs 15:3)

Our Lord is omnipresent. The Holy Spirit indwells us and also dwells in every nook and corner of the world. Today, we find those in authority suppress the truth and spread lies thinking that no one has witnessed what they have done in secret places. But the eyes of the Lord has recorded what they had done. They may cheat the judiciary and the world at large. The Lord can show everything to them which the media had not reported. The divine judgment is based on truthful evidence which cannot be tampered with. The Lord Himself will be a witness against you.

Next.....Wholesome tongue and lips of the wise