Words of the Wise

Words of the Wise and Their Interpretations

"A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings." Proverbs 1:5-6

A wise man will hear what the Holy Spirit speaks to him through the Word. On hearing the truth from the Word, he will increase learning. We do not increase learning because we do not hear. These days, we do not hear, but are very prompt in speaking. We only wish to hear about the blessings of God, and not the consequences of sin in our lives. We do not hear the Holy Spirit who wants to speak to us through the Word of God. But we want to give “His messages” to the multitudes when He has not given us His messages. Without hearing Him, how can we give His messages? Sadhu Sundar Singh first heard the Holy Spirit and then preached to others. Today, we do not increase learning because we do not hear. Our learning process is static and does not grow. We know only a little on doctrines because we have not heard Him further after learning the little. We need to attain unto wise counsels to understand a proverb and its interpretation. Proverb means "a hidden thing, maxim, or parable." It needs to be interpreted. It is also to utter "the words of wisdom and their hidden meanings." The words of wisdom need to be interpreted or revealed. The Bible is full of words of wisdom. We cannot understand the same easily unless we become wise by surrendering to God and the Holy Spirit. We can attain unto wise counsels only if we humble ourselves and surrender before God. The Holy Spirit does reveal to us the hidden revelations of the words of wisdom when we obey God in everything. We cannot understand the words of wisdom in the Bible because we do not take the trouble to hear the divine Author who inspired the writers of these 66 books of the Bible.

The words of wisdom will remain as hidden sayings as long as we do not understand the same through the Holy Spirit. We need the anointing of the Holy Spirit to understand the words of the wisdom coming from the Bible. The honey remains in the rock and we have to reach to it. These days, many of us do not interpret the words of prophecy or the codes and signs in the book of Revelation because we lack in wisdom. If we humble ourselves before God and obey Him in everything, He gives us wisdom. Through wisdom, we do understand the hidden things of God.