Scorners and Lowly

Scorners and lowly

Surely he scorneth the scorners: but he giveth grace unto the lowly (Pro.3:34).

Surely the Lord scorns the scorners. Who is a scorner? He is the one who derides another or shows disrespect to another or ridicules another. There are many people of God who are haughty so as not to receive rebuke or correction from others. They tend to think that they are always right and that their doctrines are always correct. God calls them "the scorners". They do not receive grace from Him. But the Lord gives grace unto the lowly. There are a few people of God in our midst who are always humble. They are open to correction or rebuke. They search for the truth and accept it when it is revealed to them. They receive grace from the Lord. Even if they fall down in their spiritual life, God lifts up and restores them. But if a scorner stumbles and falls down, God will not lift him up but scorns him.