Becoming poor and rich

Becoming poor and rich

He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich (Pro.10:4).

We will become poor spiritually or materially when we give money either in charity or to the Church with a slack hand. The people who have shown care and conscientiousness in their work or duties are called the diligent. Today, many people of God are careless or slothful in their vineyards. They are always in want but do not have abundance so as to give to others. Many pastors are not active in their ministries but busy themselves only on Sundays. During day time, they do not spend their time profitably either for their families or for their ministries. There are many pastors in India who live in slums but do not work with their hands for livelihood but continue to live on charities from others. They even tell lies to get money from others. And they always remain poor in the slums. If they work hard through their hands, God will definitely prosper them. However, this does not apply to those full time missionaries who are fully engaged in evangelism and service.

God does make us rich when our hands are diligent. When a pastor or a minister of God works with his hands for his or her livelihood, the money does not become unrighteous and he can drive a mercedes benz if he needs it for his family but should not buy the same out of the sacrificial offerings given by the children of God.