Sacrifice and way of wicked

Sacrifice and way of the wicked

The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord: but the prayer of the upright is his delight (Proverbs 15:8).

Those children of God who become wicked in the sight of God offer their sacrifices. By evil deeds, the children of the light become wicked. So long as their personal lives are not acceptable to God, their sacrifices are also not acceptable. They cannot buy God's blessings by giving their money to churches or missions.

Today, many of us participate in prayers to pray for our nation or for our churches or missions. But if our personal life is not upright, then our prayers are not accepted by God. You may pray in a loud voice or in a emotional manner just to impress others. You may stand on a dais to lead the prayer warriors in prayers of intercession. But if your private life is wicked, then your ministry will be in vain. God may not hear the whole corporate prayer of the prayer warriors even if you lead them from the front. Stand on the holy ground and lead the prayer warriors. It is not the number of prayer warriors but the lives of prayer warriors even if they are a few but are upright that becomes the delight of God.

The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the Lord: but he loveth him that followeth after righteousness (Proverbs 15:9).

In the preceding verse, we have learnt about the sacrifice of the wicked. The way of the wicked is also an abomination unto the Lord. You may be a child of God but have become wicked by virtue of your deeds. Your wicked way of life becomes abominable. You should follow after righteousness. Remember where you have fallen by your wicked deed and repent and follow after righteousness. Do not presume that since you have the righteousness of Christ imputed to you, you can live in any manner as you wish. The righteousness of Christ in you has to be revealed by your outward acts.

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