Paths of Judgment

Paths of Judgment

"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints.

Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path." Proverbs 2:8-9

Our God is a God of judgment. He keeps the paths of judgment. He knows how and when to judge a nation or an individual. Judgment is reserved for God and His Son. God is sovereign in His judgment. Judgment begins at the house of God. Even under the New Covenant, God judges His people. Ananias and his wife Sapphira were judged by God instantaneously when they lied to the Holy Spirit. "Justice and judgement are the habitation of thy throne....." (Ps.89:14). The devil has no power to judge but to destroy. God preserves the way of His saints. He guards or protects the way of His saints. He knows the way of His saints and guards them. The ways of His saints are not hidden from Him. He knows what is the best for His saints whereas the people of this world cannot foresee what God has in store for His saints. The career, the business or the education of His saints are in His hands because He preserves their way in this world. The way of His people in this world is, of course, bristled with briers and thorns but God removes these briers and thorns the moment His saint takes a step by faith and treads on it. Dearly beloved in Christ, do you find your way full of thorns? As you go ahead and tread on it, these thorns will disappear because it is God who keeps the paths of judgment and preserves your way. God does judge those who hate you in your office or in your work place. To preserve your way, He would judge those who have harassed or persecuted you. Do not think that God does not judge and that you will not get your justice? This worldly system of justice may deny you justice but God judges and preserves your way. God's judgment only tarries because of His character of long-suffering but it will be revealed one day, though belatedly.

When God judges and preserves your way, you will understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity. We understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity because God preserves the way of His saints after judgment. We understand righteousness to the extent God loved us because God's righteousness demanded the death of His only Son to save us from the sin. We understand judgment to the extent God loved us because God judged His own Son for us. We understand equity to the extent God loved us because God's equity brought His Son to the altar of Calvary for us. We understand the good path for us only when our eyes are opened. At times, we do not know how God leads us. God even leads us through failures to the destination of success. We cannot foresee what good things since the beginning of the world God has prepared for His people that wait for Him (Is.64:4). All the acts of God result in "every good path" for us. It may begin with His path of judgment but will result in a good path for us. In every act of God, we should get a revelation of His righteousness, and judgment, and equity. In our life, we should apply the divine principles of righteousness, and judgment, and equity. Our righteousness should shine as a candle before the eyes of the people of this world. Our judgment should be fair and without respect to persons. Our equity should be transparent and without any element of favouritism. We should not practice double standards. Our ministries and churches throw to wind these divine laws. Prophet Isaiah cries, "And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." (Isa.59:14)