Transgression and fruit of lips

Transgression and fruit of lips

The wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips: but the just shall come out of trouble (Pro.12:13).

The wicked is snared or caught unawares by what he or she speaks through lips. The lips of the wicked transgress the law of God even if he or she propagates the same. God judges us through what we speak. Our own words judge us because we preach to others which we do not practise. We become wicked through our own lips. The very lips of the wicked are an abomination to God. The devil can quote the scriptures but his lips transgress the law of God because he is not obeying God.The just or the righteous shall come out of trouble definitely. It appears that the trouble is always with the righteous. After struggle, the righteous person comes out of the furnace unaffected like Daniel.

A man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth: and the recompence of a man's hands shall be rendered unto him (Pro.12:14).

The word of mouth of a speaker indeed blesses him or her if the message proceeds from his or her very life. The speaker is satisfied with goodness if his or her mouth reveals the fruit of life. The fruit of life comes from the indwelling Holy Spirit. The word of mouth determines our life. I comforted a friend of mine who was not a Christian with my word when he lost his precious wife in a tragic death due to cancer. Though I prayed for her healing, God did not answer my prayer. I was left with no option but to comfort him with my word which proceeded from the depth of my heart as I loved him and his wife.

The recompence of a man's hands shall be rendered unto him. Whatever your hands do, you will be rewarded by God. Do not write evil of any man. Do not make false allegations against the righteous. When you intercede for others, you will be rewarded by God. When you help a stranger, you will be rewarded by God. Whatever you sow, you will reap (Gal.6:7).

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