Striving without a cause

Striving without a cause

Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm. Pro.3:30)

These days, many people of God strive with others without cause, particularly when no harm is done to them by the latter. Why should you strive with a man when he has not harmed you? If there is a cause to strive with a man, you can do so by convincing him of your action. In your place of business, you may be striving with your clients or customers without any cause if your clients/customers have not harmed you. Similarly, in your place of employment, you may be striving with your colleagues or your seniors without any cause if you have not been harmed by them. You ought to be gentle unto all men. Your Christian testmony is more important than your actions. Do not lose your temper even if you are provoked by someone so long as no harm has been caused to you. A Christian ruler should not strive with a non-Christian ruler if the latter has not harmed the national interests of the former. The Christian ruler needs the wisdom of God in reigning over his nation. He should not be in a hurry to wage a war with another nation without cause if the latter has not harmed his nation in any manner. Allies during the World War-2 fought against Hitler because the latter had harmed the national interests of the former. If a Christian nation does not follow the Lord's counsel, the consequences will be dire.