Fool in his folly

Fool in his folly

Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man, rather than a fool in his folly (Proverbs 17:12).

We should avoid meeting fools who are not amenable. A fool is worse than a bear robbed of her whelps. The bear robbed of her whelps becomes violent and no one can tame it easily. When you deal with a fool who does not listen to you, you would face grave consequences. The fool remains in his folly and does not want to repent or to come out of his folly.

In your life, you have to discern who a fool is. A fool is one who does not think reasonably but acts in an abnormal manner. Education can change a fool to some extent.

A fool becomes wise when he comes to Christ and accepts Him as his Lord and Saviour.

In this world, we at times behave foolishly. Our acts may become foolish. It is not the foolish act but the innate nature that proves a fool. This nature changes when a fool is born again in the spirit of God.

God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty (I Cor.1:27). The foolish things of the world need not necessarily be the handiwork of fools. A fool commits folly and abides in it.

Next....Rewarding evil for good