Holy Spirit teaching wisdom

Holy Spirit teaching wisdom

I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths.

When thou goest, thy steps shall not be straitened; and when thou runnest, thou shalt not stumble.

Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life.(Pro.4:11-13)

The model father always teach us in the way of wisdom and lead us in right paths. The small voice of the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts and teaches us. What we have to do is to sit calmly at His feet through prayers and to listen to His voice in your spirit. Even in small or petty matters also, the Holy Spirit teaches us in the way of wisdom. It is not that you should open your Bible and select some Bible verse at random. We have a living God. In times of crisis, you should not run to some pastors or evangelists for guidance. He is there with you. He is Emmanual - "God with us". You need not be a Bible scholar. You may be an illiterate person who cannot read and understand the Bible written in some language. But you have the indwelling Holy Spirit and the Law of God is written on your heart. He does teach you on many things which you do not know or which you have not learnt out of your life experience. What you have to do is wait on Him patiently. He is neither before time or too late. He is on time. Through our human wisdom, we want everything to be done quickly and in our own ways.We find today that many marriageable Christian girls remain unmarried without getting suitable life-partners, the reason being that they had dictated terms to God by telling Him that they wanted husbands matching with their particular educational qualifications, cultural or social backgrounds, etc. God is not bothered about your educational or social background. He simply wants you to marry a Christian boy (not a divorcee with a living spouse) who loves Him. He may be inferior to you in status or in education. He may be an Asian, an African or an American. If you do not want to be taught of God in the way of wisdom, you may end up in the state of being unmarried. God does lead us in right paths. But we choose wrong paths on the advices of our friends or well-wishers. "I have taught thee in the way of wisdom". Definitely, He has taught you in the way of wisdom. But you have not listened to His voice. "I have led thee in the right paths". But you have allowed yourself to be led by some human being in the wrong paths. Today you cannot blame God for the wrong paths chosen by you. When you go, your steps shall not be straitened; and when you run, you shall not stumble. The wisdom of God guides your each step. All the steps are ordained of Him. Your steps are very broad and smooth under your foot. When you run the course set by Him for you, you will not stumble at all. The course is laid by Him before you.

Many people of God run to and fro to know God's will. They do not trust God but human beings. They seek not His wisdom but human wisdom. They presume God is at a distance and they need some mediators to pray for them and to seek His wisdom. Let the Holy Spirit teach us wisdom in our daily life so that all our steps may be smooth. Whatever decision you take daily will be born out of God's wisdom. "Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life".

Here, wisdom is referred as instruction. God gives us instruction in our daily life. He tells us what is good for us. He tells us where we should go for His work. He tells us whom we should meet or whom we should not meet. He tells us what food we should take or what food we should not take. He tells us when we should go to bed. It is a life with God. It is a life completely dependent upon Him. It is a life to live with Him. It is a life to live in Him. We should take fast hold of His wisdom in every matter.

These days, we always talk about the devil and his evil designs against us but we do not seek God's wisdom. If we are to be led by the Spirit, then the devil has no role to play in our life. We should not allow the wisdom to go but to take fast of her and to obey her. All the miseries that we face today are due to our own making. And God is outside our life. Wisdom is our very life. Christ is the wisdom of God. An worldly man gets the wisdom of this world whereas we possess Christ, the Wisdom of God in our earthen vessels. Let Christ reign in our life as the King so that we can manifest the wisdom of God to this world.