No Man Regardeth

No Man Regardeth

"Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;

But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:" Proverbs 1:24-25

God calls every human being through the gospel. There are still millions who have not yet heard His call. But for those who have heard His gospel and refused to accept the same, there is no excuse. Only His eternal judgment awaits them. Similarly, God calls a child of God who is in error to the truth of His word. If she or he refuses to accept the truth, he or she may not inherit the great blessings that are in store for him or her. God is still stretching out His hand to the people, unsaved or saved. It is a pity that "no man regarded." Wisdom cries out in the streets, in the chief place of concourse, and in the openings of the gates. But no man regards it. How long will God stretch out His hand? Today we find our Lord weeping in our midst. He is stretching out His Hand to a people who do not regard Him. What will He do further? He has sent out His servants to preach the truth to them, but they have not accepted the truth. What will He do except weep? Jesus Christ of Nazareth weeps today! There is "another Jesus" in our midst. In America, they worship Him according to their own understanding. But wisdom cries out and exhorts them to worship Him according to the truth. Nobody regards Him. In India and in many other countries, the people of God have made out "another Jesus" who heals and performs miracles on men-made stages even calling out the names of a few people, but does not reprove them for their sin. Still, wisdom cries out and exhorts them to worship Him according to the truth. Nobody regards Him.

Many people who bear His Name have set at naught all His counsel. His counsels are found in the Word, from Genesis to Revelation. We have His Word in our hands. There are still millions who do not have His Word in their own languages. We question His doctrines. The people in the West who have been abundantly blessed by God with all material resources are shooting films questioning the very life of Jesus Christ. They are questioning the doctrines of creation. Their governments are banning reading of Scriptures in schools and public offices. They are justifying adulterous marriage covenants.

Reproof is very essential for our spiritual growth. Pruning helps a tree to yield more fruit. One way we are pruned is by another's correction. If we are reproved by some one, our ego is hurt. We want others to flatter us, and not to reprove us. The death of a great ministry is attributed to not taking heed His reproof.