Evil and good people

Evil and good people

(Let us club verses 19 and 22 of chapter 14 in Proverbs).

The evil bow before the good; and the wicked at the gates of the righteous (Proverbs 14:19).

The evil may win battles but at the end they have to bow before the good. The wicked may succeed in their games but at the end they have to surrender themselves to the righteous at their gates. The wicked may chase the righteous but they have to stop at the gates of the righteous. The wicked cannot proceed beyond the gates of the righteous or cannot override the gates of the righteous.

Evil people cannot perpetually win their battles. They may keep winning but there is an end to it when good people resist evil ones with their little strength.

Evil people are known by their acts of wrongdoing or evil. They may be children of the light. If they dare to commit evil things without fear of God, they become wicked in the sight of God.

Good people are known by their acts of goodness. They may be children of the world. By virtue of their acts of goodness, they become good in the sight of God.

Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good (Proverbs 14:22).

Those who err do devise evil. Erring comes first. They err in judgment. Their judgement is not righteous. The act of committing evil emates from wrong judgment.

Those who think of doing good for others will be full of mercy and truth. Their hearts are merciful and their paths are truthful. Let us do good for others. Let us not attempt to do evil for others even under any circumstances. Avenge not your enemies. Do good for your enemies.

Next.....The poor and the rich