Chapter 14


Wise woman buildeth

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. (Proverbs 14:1)

A wise woman is one who is in Christ Jesus submitting to her husband in family matters and also submitting to the authority of the Word of God in spiritual matters. If her husband is an unbeliever, she has to submit to him in all family matters. However, if the will of her husband clashes with the will of God, then she has to obey God in spiritual matters. I knew of a woman of God whose husband was a staunch Hindu. She hae not denied her faith but went to the church and prayed when her husband was away. She found it difficult to maintain her personal relationship with Christ. Her husband was not allowing her to teach the Word of God to her children. At times, she openly expressed her desire to pray or to go to the church. She was not able to build her house. She and her friends were praying for the conversion of her husband. But she was not bold enough for Christ to tell her husband that she would attend the church and would pray as her spiritual life had nothing to do with her personal family life. Her husband would never divorce her because of her good conduct. She needed to take a firm stand for God in this regard.

A foolish woman plucks down her house with her hands. A foolish woman is one who is not in Christ Jesus or one who is in Christ Jesus but is not submitting herself to her husband in family matters. Since her head is the husband, she has to submit herself to the authority of her husband in family matters. There are many women of God who do not submit themselves to the authority of their husbands in family matters. Though they can give suitable advices to their husbands, they should submit to their authority finally. They are thus destroying their families.

Walking in uprightness

He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the Lord: but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth him (Proverbs 14:2).

A child of God who walks in his or her uprightness fears the Lord. If he or she does not lead a upright life, then he or she does not fear the Lord. It is his or her life that shows her fear for God. He or she may show reverential fear by way of prayer or worship but if the personal life is not upright, then there is no fear of the Lord.

If a child of God is perverse in his or her ways, then he or she despises the Lord. It is not the devotional life but personal life of uprightness that will stand you in good stead.

Mouth of foolish

In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them (Proverbs 14:3).

A foolish person has a rod of pride in mouth. Many children of God have a prideful heart and do not accept correction from others with humility. Such people are foolish in the eyes of God. Through their mouth, they glorify themselves. We can easily discern the spirit of pride in them when they open their mouths.

We need to have the lips of the wise to preserve us from the evil. The lips of the wise will not reveal pride but humility.

Do not have anything to do with foolish and stupid discussions, because you know they breed arguments - 2 Tim.2:23 (ISV). But avoid foolish controversies, arguments about genealogies, quarrels, and fights about the Law. These things are useless and worthless.- Titus 3:9 (ISV).

Oxen and crib

Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox (Proverbs 14:4).

The oxen are bovine domesticated animals who are required to till our land or to do hard manual jobs. They are commonly castrated so that human beings can have control over them. When oxen are not in the crib, the crib is clean.

We need to keep the surroundings of our places of work clean. The places where we make use of machinery or where we engage laborers, we have to make such places clean for habitation or for good living conditions. As a Christian businessman, you have to create good living conditions for your employees. You should invest more in human resources than in capital. You have to improve the working conditions in your work place so that the output of such labor increases. The labor or the working force needs to be taken care of by employers.

Faithful witness and false witness

A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies. (Proverbs 14:5)

A faithful witness will not lie under any circumstances. We should be faithful witnesses of God. We should speak the truth of His word without diluting it. Many servants of God are not faithful witnesses of God. They should testify faithfully what God is doing in their midst without exaggeration or lie.

Today many churches go to courts in litigation telling lies before judges.

Scorner seeks wisdom

A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not: but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth (Proverbs 14:6).

A scorner is a despiser; a contemner; specifically, a scoffer at religion (Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary). There are many scorners in our midst who despise those who warn them. They may give us good sermons but devoid of wisdom. They cannot find it.

Knowledge is easy unto him who understands. A scorner does not understand the will of God as he or she resists warning or counsel.

Presence of a foolish man

Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge (Proverbs 14:7).

You have to leave a foolish man who does not listen to you when you find that he is not in a position to receive knowledge from you.

Do not continue to argue with a foolish man who is not receptive of your ideas or good suggestions.

Wisdom of the prudent

(Verses 8 and 33 are clubbed together).

The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit (Proverbs 14:8).

If you are a person of prudence with wisdom, you can easily understand the way of the foolish. The wisdom is with the prudence and not with the foolish. We should understand the way of the foolish. Though we should go from the presence of a foolish man as mentioned in the preceding verse, we should understand their ways.

But the folly of fools is deceit. The fools face deceit in their lives and also deceive others. It is their folly that is responsible for deceit. Let us understand the folly of fools known for deceit.

Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding: but that which is in the midst of fools is made known (Proverbs 14:33).

He or she who understands God and His righteousness gets wisdom from above. But the fools who do not believe in God are known by their presence in our midst. There are many atheists who are rich or being highly educated in this world but in our midst their folly of not believing in God is known. The end of many atheists is recorded in the human history.

Fools mocking at sin

Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour (Proverbs 14:9).

If anyone makes a mock of sin, he or she is a fool. But the righteous who confess and forsake sin will find favour with God.

Today many religious gurus or leaders mock at sin. They say sin is a delusion and not a reality. Their private lives are full of sins and iniquities. They are not able to see their own backs. Likewise, they are not able to perceive sins in their lives but others can see their sins. They are thus in a great delusion.

But the righteous people, those who are made righteous through the blood of Jesus, do find favour in the sight of God.

Heart knowing bitterness

The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy (Proverbs 14:10).

A suffering person knows his own problems and a stranger does not interfere with the joy of a person. When a person not known to you rejoices, do not mock at him. Let him enjoy so long as he rightfully and legally enjoys what God has given him on this earth.

House of wicked

The house of the wicked shall be overthrown: but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish (Proverbs 14:11).

The house of the wicked, be it a Christian pastor or an unbeliever, shall be overthrown if he earns in an unrighteous manner and acquires his assets. But the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish. However when a God fearing child of God is upright in his life, the property acquired by him by virtue of his hard work will last for ever.

Way seeming right

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death (Proverbs 14:12).

A way may seem good to you as the snares, pits, thorns are hidden from you. If you walk by this way, you will face destruction or death at the end of the way. You have to seek God's light unto your path before your commence your journey on this path. Just wait on Him and get a green signal from Him.

Today, unrighteous rulers or Chief Executives of organizations are taking important decisions keeping in mind good visions. The way by which they go seems right unto them but the output of their actions result in destruction or chaos. Initially, their organizations may reap windfall of profits but in the end their organizations would face extinction because of their acts of unrighteousness.

Heart sorrowful in laughter

Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness (Proverbs 14:13).

Many of us appear to be happy when our heart is sorrowful. We should not pretend to be emotionally happy when we are really sad. If we are sorrowful, our friends and loved ones should know it so that they can pray for us or comfort us. If we continue to live in that mirth (merriment), the end will be heaviness only. We should speak out our heart. Weep when you are in pain or sorrow.

Backslider in heart

The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself (Proverbs 14:14).

A backslider in heart is not led by the Holy Spirit but by his flesh or by the devil. Today many servants of God chosen by God for ministry have backslid with the result that they go by their own ways. But a good man whose conduct is good in the sight of God lives a life of contentment even if he or she is in penury. This is the secret of God.

Simple believing every word

The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going (Proverbs 14:15).

A comparison is made between a simple man and a prudent man. A simple person believes every word without examining and understanding it but a prudent man examines his own way and knows where he is bound for. The simple man does not understand his own action or way but the prudent man understands his own action or way.

We should not believe in every word or promise of others without discerning it prayerfully.

Wise man fears

A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident

(Proverbs 14:16).

A wise man fears God and abhors and departs from evil. But a fool does not fear God but feels furious even under the slightest provocation and is confident of his foolish decision or goal. The end of the way of a fool is disastrous. He who intends to harm others is a fool even if he or she justifies his/her action. Avenging your enemies is God's work and not your work. Do not think of doing harming to your opponents but leave this work to God and pray to Him for giving you peace in your mind.

Consequences of wrath

(Verses 17 and 29 are clubbed together).

He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated (Proverbs 14:17).

Becoming angry soon is foolish. Be cool even if provoked. Quick anger makes you a fool in the sight of God. Anger turns a person into a man of wicked devices. At the spur of a moment, a man commits a murder or a crime and becomes a wicked man. He adopts wicked devices so as to be labelled a man of wicked devices.

Today many children of God becomes angry and deal with the situation when they are angry. What they have to do is remain patient, let their anger go and then take a decision prayerfully. A decision taken on the spur of a moment when you are angry turns out to be foolish and you have to pay for the consequences of your impatience. Many saints become wicked for decisions taken by them when they were angry. This label would remain with them till their death. All their acts of goodness would not be remembered for their one act of wickedness.

He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly (Proverbs 14:29).

One should not lose his or her temper so as to succumb to the wrath. Just allow the wrath to go and then take a decision. Any hasty decision results in a folly.

Simple inheriting folly

The simple inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge (Proverbs 14:18).

The simple means those who do not think of what they do or those who believe in everything without discernment. The prudent means those who judge everything holding the rod of judgment. As they judge righteously, they would be able to acquire wonderful knowledge. Prudence comes first and knowledge follows it.

Evil and good people

(Let us club verses 19 and 22 here).

The evil bow before the good; and the wicked at the gates of the righteous (Proverbs 14:19).

The evil may win battles but at the end they have to bow before the good. The wicked may succeed in their games but at the end they have to surrender themselves to the righteous at their gates. The wicked may chase the righteous but they have to stop at the gates of the righteous. The wicked cannot proceed beyond the gates of the righteous or cannot override the gates of the righteous.

Evil people cannot perpetually win their battles. They may keep winning but there is an end to it when good people resist evil ones with their little strength.

Evil people are known by their acts of wrongdoing or evil. They may be children of the light. If they dare to commit evil things without fear of God, they become wicked in the sight of God.

Good people are known by their acts of goodness. They may be children of the world. By virtue of their acts of goodness, they become good in the sight of God.

Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good (Proverbs 14:22).

Those who err do devise evil. Erring comes first. They err in judgment. Their judgement is not righteous. The act of committing evil emates from wrong judgment.

Those who think of doing good for others will be full of mercy and truth. Their hearts are merciful and their paths are truthful. Let us do good for others. Let us not attempt to do evil for others even under any circumstances. Avenge not your enemies. Do good for your enemies.

The poor and the rich

(Let us club verses 20, 21 and 24 together).

The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends (Proverbs 14: 20).

In this world, the poor people are hated by their own neighbours but the rich people have many friends.

He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth: but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he (Proverbs 14:21).

Those neighbours who hate or despise the poor neighbours do sin. It is the omission fo doing good. All unrighteousness is sin. However, if they show mercy to the poor, they would be happy in their own houses. If you help your poor neighbour, happiness will stay in your house. If you share your good things with your poor neighbour, you would obey the second commandment of God of loving your neighbour as yourself. Otherwise, you will face sorrow or adverse circustances in your own house. This is a divine law which you should obey.

The crown of the wise is their riches: but the foolishness of fools is folly (Proverbs 14:24).

Wisdom which comes from above becomes our riches. Riches mean prized possessions of this world. They do not mean currency notes or your bank savings. You possess these riches which you do not see with your own eyes but God knows your riches; others around you see your riches. These are riches which proceed from you when you pray for others or when you preach a message.

Folly comes from your acts of foolishness. You may be a child of God. Being a child of God does not guarantee that you will not commit acts of foolishness. You commit a folly when you are not patient to sit at God's feet to know His will. You take a sudden decision without waiting on God and this decision ends in a folly at a later date.

Talk of lips

In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury (Proverbs 14:23).

Let us not waste our time in unnecessary gossip. In the Pilgrim's Progress, I find that in the house of Interpreter, in the Porter's Lodge, in the house of Gaius and in the house of Mnason, there were long debates on spiritual things. However, if we indulge in gossip, would end in spiritual poverty. We would lose all our blessings. Spend your precious time in interpreting the Scriptures and in minisering to the needy people around you. In all your labour, there is profit. Do not sit idle. But spend the moments of idling in prayer so that you may benefit from such labor.

Whatever labor you do in your house, there is profit. If you wash the dishes, iron or wash the clothes, there is profit.

Today, many preachers presume that they have to spend their entire life time in preaching. Preaching does not come under "all labour". Labour means working with your hands.

True witness versus deceitful witness

A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies (Proverbs 14:25).

If we have to deliver souls from the bondage to sin and devil, we have to be true

witnesses to God's work. Many pastors or ministers of God are not faithful enough to give a true account of what God has been doing or has done through their ministries. They give an exaggerated version or a lying report. If God has not healed some people, they tell lies that all the people who attended their meetings were blessed by God. At times, they compel some people to be deceitful witnesses.

Fear of the Lord

(Verses 26 and 27 are clubbed together).

In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge (Proverbs 14:26).

The fear of the Lord makes us desist from evil and makes us do good. This fear creates in our hearts a strong confidence which cannot be shaken by any adverse wind. Our confidence is anchored on the Lord Himself.

The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death (Proverbs 14:27).

The fear of the Lord becomes a fountain of life for all our generations. Our children, grand-children and great grand children will reap the fruits. If we want our children to progress in their profession or career or education, we have to instil in them the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord does not mean potraying God in His retributive character but revealing the whole character of God through the Scriptures. This fear does come from the whole knowledge of God.

King's honour

In the multitude of people is the king's honour: but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince (Proverbs 14:28).

A growing population in a nation shows that the king is good. People from neihbouring nations migrate to that nation where the ruler is good to the people. If the ruler is an autocract living on the sacrifices of the people, then the ruler himself is destroyed.

Sound heart and envy

A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones (Proverbs 14:30).

You should have a sound mind at all times. A sound mind gives you good health. Today we do not have good health because of a fearful heart. Our heart is not sound. Fear grips our heart. We fear for everything in this world. Fear weakens our flesh. Envy results in the deseases of our bones. Envy is the powerful enemy that reduces our life span. We envy when others are blessed. We envy when others get some blessings which we have not got. It indirectly affects the bones in our body.

Oppressing poor

He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor (Proverbs 14:31).

Everywhere the poor are oppressed. Even Christians oppress the poor in their business dealings. We are not generous in giving a few more rupees to the street vendors but try to bargain with them and deprive them of their profits. Our actions result in reproaching their Maker whom we worship in our churches. Our worship loses its meaning if we reproach the Maker of the poor.

If we honour God, then we have mercy on the poor. Our mercy towards the poor should come from a heart which loves God and obeys His commandments. Children of the world who do not love and honour God have in fact no mercy on the poor. They do charity with a selfish motive.

Wicked versus righteous

The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death (Proverbs 14:32).

The wicked perishes in his wickedness at the end. There is no salvation for the wicked who rejects God. But the righteous who are made righteous through the blood of Jesus Christ have everlasting hope after their physical death.

Righteousness exalting nation

Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people (Proverbs 14:34).

Righteousness means being righteous in the sight of God. If a nation has to be righteous, its majority of the people have to believe in God accepting Jesus as their Savior. It is the collective faith of the people of a nation in Christ Jesus, the Savior of the world that becomes its righteousness. This righteousness exalts the whole nation. Similarly, the collective sin of the people of the nation is a reproach to the whole people of that nation. If there is abundance of sin and unrighteousness in any nation, the divine judgment will punish the people in many ways like natural disasters.

King's favour

The king's favour is toward a wise servant: but his wrath is against him that causeth shame (Proverbs 14:35).

If a public servant is wise in his work by virtue of his integrity, he or she finds favor in the sight of the ruler. But if he or she indulges in acts of corruption or unrighteousness, the ruler punishes him or her by way of punitive action which brings shame to him or her.

Next....Chapter 15