Folly devoid of wisdom

Folly devoid of wisdom

Folly is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom: but a man of understanding walketh uprightly (Proverbs 15:21).

In the entire book of Proverbs, the most often used word is wisdom. Wisdom is different from knowledge that we acquire. Wisdom is not acquired but is imparted by God to those who become His children after accepting Jesus into their heart. God gives His wisdom to us as a gift. This is the precious gift that we should desire. A man who is destitute of wisdom becomes a fool. He or she does not know how to speak or write, how to act, how to behave. He or she earns folly as a result of being foolish. The folly appears to be joyful but in the end there will be vexation of spirit. You will lose your joy in the Lord.

But a man of understanding who has the gift of wisdom understands everything with the mind of Christ Jesus as he or she has the mind of Christ. He or she walks uprightly in this world without bowing to any human being or without fear.

Next.....Importance of counsel and answer of mouth