Wicked for day of evil

Wicked for day of evil

The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil (Proverbs 16:4).

All things have been made for the Lord for Himself. The earth, the heaven, the seas, the cosmos, the animate and the inanimate things, etc, are for the Lord. The earth is for the habitation of animate things. The wicked people are ordained of the Lord for the day of evil. They are not for the day of good. The wicked people are judged by God for their evil deeds. If they have escaped the sword of the ruler, God would destroy them in mysterious ways. There are influential people in this world who, by virtue of their influence with the law enforcement authorities, escape the law but God catches them by surprise and punishes them. Their entire generation becomes cursed in the eyes of God. God visits their sins unto many generations.

Next.....Pride in heart