Just and wicked people

Just and wicked people

The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot (Pro.10:7).

The term "just" is already covered in the preceding verse. The memory of the righteous is blessed. Normally, the people are blessed. But we find here that the memory is blessed. This means that the mind faculty of those who are made righteous by faith in Christ Jesus is blessed. Though they may forget with their human faculty of mind due to disease or passage of time, their memory of the knowledge of God is in tact. Though my late mother was on her death bed oblivious of many things of her life, she remembered important events in her life and even remembered rightly my date of birth. On her death bed, she was able to recite Psalm 23. Her memory was blessed. But the name of the wicked shall not be blessed even after their death. The memory of the wicked even if he or she is intelligent is not blessed and his or her name shall rot.

Next.....Wise man and prating fool