Do not become rich

Do not become rich

(Verses 4 & 5 of Chapter 23 in Proverbs are clubbed together).

Labour not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom (Proverbs 23:4).

Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven (Proverbs 23:5).

You should not labor just to be rich. You can earn your livelihood and in the process you can have all the necessities of this life. You can start a business and give livelihood to many people. Your aim should not be to be rich. If you acquire riches without equitably distributing the same to those who help acquire such riches, the riches acquired by you will go out of your hands one day. The government may tax your excess income or your descendants may squander the same ricklessly. No riches will remain permanant in this world.

Riches earned for self-gratification will fly as an eagle toward heaven. Do not set your eyes upon riches which you cannot carry with you when you die.

Next.....Friendship with one having evil eye