Tilling land

Tilling land

He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread: but he that followeth vain persons is void of understanding (Pro.12:11).

One has to work hard in life, be it ministry or secular job/business. If God has given you a ministry, you have to work with your own hands. Today, many evangelists and pastors do not work with their own hands but take the help of "subordinate" staff employed by them to read their mails and to make itinerary arrangements. Celebrity preachers cannot interact with the thousands of people who support them. They only preach or write messages. One who tills his land will be satisfied with bread because he eats the bread with satisfaction; he or she does not live on the charity of others.If a minister does not work with his or her own hands in God's vineyard but employs others, he or she cannot be satisfied with bread. God does not bless their bread. They eat the bread but not to their satisfaction. They eat the bread but their health fails.Instead of working hard, if a person follows vain persons who are excessively proud of or concerned about their own achievements, he or she is void of understanding or foolish. Today many of us do not work hard in our respective places of work or ministry but learn to imitate proud persons who merely boast of their achievements in an exaggerating manner. If we do so, we become foolish in God's eyes. Today, many of us are tempted to imitate those popular evangelists or pastors who make a boast of what they do for God. If we follow their methods, we will be void of understanding or found being foolish in the sight of God.

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