Wise son and foolish man

Wise son and foolish man

A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish man despiseth his mother (Proverbs 15:20).

In the book of Proverbs, the word "father" is generally applicable to a spiritual father who takes care of his spiritual children. The father becomes happy when one of his wise sons makes the former glad. Here, the son is not merely a male son but also a female daughter. A child be it female or male but acts like a son. Today, many spiritual children do not obey their spiritual fathers i.e. pastors and the pastors concerned do not love their spiritual children as their own. Pastors just want to give long sermons to their spiritual children but do not mentor them in a personal manner. A foolish son despises his mother. There is a spiritual mother for every one of us in the body of Christ. They are those servants of God who beget us through the gospel. They take care of us after spiritual birth. Today, evangelists after giving birth to spiritual children do not take care of them personally. Instead, they try to get benefits from such spiritual children by extracting offerings from them. Both the spiritual father and the spiritual mother are supposed to mentor their spiritual children. Since they fail to mentor their spiritual children, they become foolish in the sight of God as they remain babes for ever. A true spiritual mother feels the heaviness in her heart when his son becomes foolish without the knowledge of God and of His word.

The elders in the body of Christ are supposed to make their spiritual children wise and not foolish.

Next.....Folly devoid of wisdom