Slothful man versus righteous man

Slothful man versus righteous man

The way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the way of the righteous is made plain (Proverbs 15:19).

The way of a slothful man who wastes away his precious time in sleep and idling is full of thorns because he did not find time to clear the thorns and stones on his path when he stumbled on the way. Many of us just postpone our work due to laziness. Today is the day you have to do your work. Tomorrow is not yours. If we do not walk on the path ordained of God, in due course, this path becomes not treadable as it will be full of thorns and bristles.

When the righteous man walks by the way ordained of God, the way becomes very smooth as he keeps walking on the way umpteen times. The slothful man is afraid of walking on the way meant for him. The righteous should not become slothful. In the Pilgrim's progress, Christian came across three sleeping men. One of them was Sloth who said, "Yet a little more sleep".

Next.....Wise son and foolish man