Songs to heavy heart

Songs to heavy heart

As he that taketh away a garment in cold weather, and as vinegar upon nitre, so is he that singeth songs to an heavy heart (Proverbs 25:20).

According to Bible dictionary, "nitre or natron," is a substance so called because, rising from the bottom of the Lake Natron in Egypt, it becomes dry and hard in the sun, and is the soda which effervesces when vinegar is poured on it. It is a carbonate of soda, not saltpetre, which the word generally denotes (Jer. 2:22).

Normally, we think if we sing songs to those with an heavy heart, it will soothe their pain. But, according to Solomon, we should not do so. If we do so, it is like taking a garment in cold weather and like vinegar upon nitre. Nitre is a chemical used in vinegar. It harms our body. Likewise, songs to an heavy heart will not heal the wounds in the heart. Prayer for the afflicted or words of comfort are the right medicine for the wounded heart.

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