Pride in heart

Pride in heart

Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished (Proverbs 16:5).

Pride affects all people including children of God. “Pride cometh before a fall”. Even if a proud person is condoned by his or her friends, God would punish him or her. Many Christian leaders have been judged by God for their pride but they have not known this truth. The pride is an abominable sin hated by God but is not discernible by the proud person. The people who witness the life of the proud person are able to discern the prideful spirit who operates through the life of the person concerned. Pride is the prime sin of the devil.

Reproof is the best antidote for this sin. If you want to get rid of this spirit, you should always open your heart to reproof or rebuke by others. The spirit of pride is of the devil. It comes from him. This is a powerful spirit that deludes even a saint. It takes the place of the Holy Spirit, little by little.

There are many servants of God who operate the gifts of the Spirit but have not discerned the spirit of pride that has taken a small space in their heart. "I know the truth. I need not listen to anyone" will be his or her reaction.

Next....Mercy and truth