Sudden fear and desolation of wicked

Sudden fear and desolation of the wicked

Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh.

For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken. (Pro.3:25-26)

You should not be afraid of sudden fear. These days, many children of God are afraid of travelling by air, following the terrorists' attack on the World Trade Towers of the USA in Sept.2001. Many people of God are afraid of sudden fear due to incurable diseases or dreaded diseases. I am receiving many emails requesting for prayers for those who suffer diseases like cancer, etc. People are afraid because they have no faith in God. You should not be afraid of sudden fear neither of the desolation of the wicked when it comes. Sudden fear or the desolation of the wicked may come your way as we are all human beings. But we should not be carried away by such sudden fear for the Lord shall be your confidence and shall keep your foot from being taken. If your confidence is in the gun of the army or the police that protect you, the Lord will not keep your foot from being taken. Fear kills your faith. It is a powerful weapon used by the enemy against the people of God. When we hear reports of sickness of our loved ones, we do not speak words of faith but words of fear. Even if your loved one is suffering from any deadly disease like cancer, just go to him/her and speak words of faith in Jesus' Name. Read out Psalm 91 to the sick or to the fearful. Faith comes by hearing the word of God.

Having experienced some past experience of suffering from some disease like Covid19, we are in the grip of sudden fear of facing again the same disease like the third wave.

You should make the Lord thy confidence. Your confidence should not be in men like doctors or ministers of God, perishable money or assets.

Today many of us do not make the Lord as our confidence as we trust in the mammon of unrighteousness for our life and ministry. Many people say that they cannot work in His vineyard because nobody has given them "money" or because they have no "sufficient funds" in their bank accounts. Our Bible colleges turn out many graduates on theology every year. But these graduates do not make the Lord as their confidence for ministry. They seek only men-made pulpits for ministry because their confidence lies in the perishable structures of human organizations. After they join these organizations, they complain that they do not get enough salaries and ultimately they find their feet being grounded in materialism with the result that they seek to go abroad for "ministry". They find their feet being taken away from what they have learnt through the Bible colleges. If the Lord is your confidence, He shall definitely keep your foot being taken by the devil.

Next.....Helping the poor saintsand the neighbour