Without vision, people perish

Without vision, people perish

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.(Hosea 4:6, Amos 8:11-12). Nowadays, there is no vision among the people of God as they follow men-made traditions and leaders who lead them astray. They do not have ears to hear what the Holy Spirit tells them. Children of God die spiritually. Their spiritual death is caused by lack of vision. They have no vision what they have to do in God's vineyard. They are themselves blind. They are led by blind leaders who teach them false doctrines. But, he who keeps the law is happy. For us, the law means the New Covenant that came through Jesus Christ. We should keep what the Lord taught us on the Mount. We should follow what the early apostles taught us.

Next....Hasty in words