Hoary head

Hoary head

The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness (Proverbs 16:31).

The hoary head is of a spiritually mature person. He or she need not be an old person in age. A spiritually mature person, an old disciple of the Lord has indeed a crown of glory in himself or herself. This crown is hidden in the way of righteousness. Only those who seek such a crown of glory can find it out if they walk in the way of righteousness. You have to discern it in those servants of the Most High God if you walk in the way of righteousness. This crown of glory will be a source of blessings to you and your family. I did find this crown of glory in an old disciple of the Lord who is not popular in the Christian world. He is an old person but he is an old disciple who has grown much in his spiritual life. Our Lord was in early thirties but had a crown of glory. Apostle Paul, in the middle age, had become very mature with the hoary head.