Wrathful man

Wrathful man

A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife (Proverbs 15:18).

We are prone to be angry when we are provoked. Let us remain cool when angry and let not open our mouth. If you face a wrathful man, you have to be careful. Let the wrathful man speak out what in his mind is. Hear him patiently. Do not get angry. If you are at fault, quickly admit your mistake and seek his pardon. If he is at fault, prayerfully seek the help of the Holy Spirit who will give you the right word to speak to that man.

Even if there is a tumult in your neighbourhood, you can prayerfully bind the spirit of strife in Jesus' Name and bring about peace in that area. The Prince of Peace in you will bring the tumult under His control.