Soul of the righteous

Soul of the righteous

The LORD will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish: but he casteth away the substance of the wicked (Pro.10:3).

The soul of the righteous will not suffer famine spiritually or materially. The righteous are those who live for God and the Church and who do not live for themselves. In times of need, the Lord supplies their needs. They do not open their mouths for their various needs. They tell only God of their needs. The unrighteous are those who adopt all tricks of this world to earn money even for God's work. God's work should be carried on in God's ways. God does cast away the money extracted from His people by deceitful means. It may appear to us that God is pleased with the projects that we make in His name. All our labor and money become the substance of the wicked. No doubt, God may use these unrighteous projects or structures for winning souls. This does not mean God approves their methods. God did not accept the money given by Ananias and Sapphira because they lied to the Holy Spirit. Once they sold their land, the sale proceeds did not belong to them. God did cast away the substance of Ananias and Sapphira. Similarly, once the children of God give their money in the Name of God, the same do not belong to the ministers concerned but to God. Many ministers of God do not tell their supporters how they spend their precious offerings. They lie to their congregations or supporters by giving false accounts or accounts prepared by their auditors.