God's law and commandments

God's Law and commandments

My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:

For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. (Proverbs 3:1,2)

God calls His people individually as "My son". You may be a female. But if you are in Christ Jesus, you are "My son" indeed. A son has more privileges than a daughter. A son is supposed to be bolder than a daughter. A son is supposed to work harder than a daughter. A son is supposed to be a warrior more than a daughter. If you are "My son", you are not supposed to forget the law of God. God calls His law as "My law". It is not a written code for His son. It is a law written on his heart. If you are "My son", you know His law. You need not study His law in a Bible college. You may be an illiterate person knowing not to read the Bible. But if you are "My son", you are supposed to know His law. If you are "My son", nobody needs to define what the law of your Father to you is. Nobody needs to give you a sermon on the law of your Father to you. Nobody needs to quote the Bible to you. As His son, you know His law. You meditate on His law and follow it without questioning the reasonableness of His commandments. Your heart keeps His commandments.

These days, we find that many people of God question the reasonableness of His commandments and argue that the commandments of Jesus regarding marriage and divorce, etc are not meant for you. If you are "My son", you will never argue that the Ten Commandments are not meant for you and that you are not supposed to follow the Law of Moses.

Today, many people of God do not have "long life" because they forget His law and do not follow His commandments. They do not have "peace" in their hearts even after accepting Jesus as their Savior. It is because that they forget "My law". Many people of God say that they are being attacked by the devil and that they could not get deliverance from sicknesses. Though they stand fully protected by the Covenant of the Blood of Jesus Christ, yet they are susceptible to the attacks of the devil because they forget "My law" and do not follow His commandments. Grace does not give any license to indulge in sins or to disobey His commandments. Grace gives you His power to obey His Law. The indwelling Holy Spirit gives you His power to overcome the sin and to obey His commandments. In other words, grace means divine enablement to over the sin and to obey His commandments.