Oppressing the poor

Oppressing the poor

A poor man that oppresseth the poor is like a sweeping rain which leaveth no fool (Proverbs 28:3).

Normally, the rich people oppress the poor. But if a poor man oppresses the poor, it will be like a sweeping rain that destroys the crops leaving no food. A poor man in order to survive goes to the extent of robbing another poor person or a group of poor people greatly till the last penny of the poor is exhausted. A poor person with his inferiority complex oppress another poor person or a group of poor people to build his business empire by depriving the poor of the last penny whereas a rich person oppress the poor only to the extent of disposessing the poor of his money which the rich person actually requires. The over greedy poor man oppresses the poor like the sweeping rain that does not leave any food.

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