House with strife

House with strife

Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife (Proverbs 17:1).

If we have material possessions earmed by us by way of sacrifices, we would have to manage the same with a lot of difficulties which may result in strife. But if we have less possessions even with a dry morsel, we can enjoy guietness. A laborer after his hard work and with a dry morsel has a peaceful sleep but a rich man with his much possession finds strife in his house.

Many ministers of God with their big establishments have no quietness or peace in their personal, family lives because they have to run these establishments with much strife leading to mental tension and ill-health. The early apostles had no strife in their ministries because they did not have any building or any establishments but co-workers were their assets.