Path of thy feet

Path of thy feet

Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established

Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil. (Pro.4:26-27)

The first saying is that you should ponder the path of your feet so that all your ways are established. We do whatever we want to do. We go wherever we want to go. We do not take care to ponder the path of our feet. We should be led by the Spirit in going to any place for His work. Nowadays, preachers flock to mega-churches for getting the pulpits. They are not led by the Spirit to go to churches in villages. If there is an invitation from America, the preacher concerned will grab this as a golden opportunity and will strive to go there but will not strive to go to a nearby local church or a village church. Preachers go to the same towns and cities time and again because there is a ready-made crowd for them. They do not want to go to those places where they are not popular. Their ways are not established. No souls are saved. No miracles take place during their ministries in popular places. If an evangelist decides not to visit the places already reached by the gospel, then the gospel can be preached in all nations. They concentrate on towns and cities only. They do not ponder the path of their feet before planning their evangelical crusades. They are not led by the Spirit but utter lies that they are led by the Spirit. I find that many evangelists are already booked for a year in advance, especially abroad.

Many Christian youths do not ponder the path of their feet. They waste their precious time by going to picnics or other social functions. They do not spend their time in preaching the gospel to the lost souls.

The last saying is that you should turn not to the right hand nor to the left. If you find evil in your path, you should remove your foot from it. You should take a turnabout and go in the other direction. If you find that you have to harm someone to save your own skin or your loved ones, you should remove your feet from that evil. Your path should be straight only. If you turn your feet to the right hand or to the left, to do something which is not according to His will, you should refrain from doing so. On your right hand, you will always find unbridled freedom to do many things according to your will. On the left side, you will find some restricted freedom to do things according to other's dictations. But you should do only according to God's will. God's path is always straight only and not crooked. It is easily visible to your spiritual eyes.

Next......Wisdom and understanding for son