Way and wrath of a fool

Way and wrath of a fool

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise (Pro.12:15).

In this world, we are surrounded by foolish people who think that their ways are right in their own eyes. Let us not be deceived by their ways which appear to be right. Let the whole town in which you live go the wrong way but you have to walk a different way.He or she who listens to counsel is wise. Counsel here means good suggestion. At times, counsel emanates from a non-Christian also. God speaks to His people by any means. At times, we go ahead with our own decisions without listening to others. Let us humble ourselves before others who love us. If we listen to their counsel, we become wise.A fool's wrath is presently known: but a prudent man covereth shame (Pro.12:16).A fool's wrath is known by his rash words or indecent acts but a prudent man covers his or her shame as a result of mistake. The prudent may commit a blunder but covers the shame by repentance and correction. David covered his shameful act of adultery and murder by repentance and corrective action.

In our wrath, let us not utter foolish words or curse our enemies. Be careful in your words. But even if you have uttered foolish words in a fit of rage, you should apologize and correct yourself so that you may cover your shame.

Next.......Speaking truth and speaking recklessly