Three Principles for Divine Health

Three principles for divine health

Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. (Pro.3:7-8)

We always try to be wise in our own eyes. We do things in our own short-sighted wisdom keeping in mind the immediate benefits that we derive by taking some particular decision. We should leave everything to our Lord through prayers and then wait on Him patiently to see how He would direct our ways. He will close a particular door that you may try to enter and will open another door after sometime. The door closed by Him would appear to be the right one in your own eyes and you may murmur against Him. What seems wise in your eyes may deceive you. Your reasoning may fail you. Your own wisdom may fail you. But your faith in Him will lead you to the right direction. Secondly, fear the Lord in everything. Just wait and think a minute before doing any thing. Will your decision grieve the Holy Spirit? Will your decision edify the Body of Christ? Will your decision affect the well-being of your neighbours? Will your decision hurt the sentiments of your spouse? The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Do not fear God just remembering His rod of judgment. Fear Him treating Him as your Heavenly Father. In every act of yours, your Father has to be glorified. You are His son under the New Covenant, and not a servant under the Old Covenant. As a son, you have to fear Him because of His eternal love. He has given everything for you in Christ Jesus.

Thirdly, depart from evil. You know what the evil is. The word of God teaches you in this regard. The indwelling Holy Spirit prevents you from doing something evil.

If you follow the above three divine principles, it shall be health to your navel and marrow to your bones. You need not go to any doctor for routine health check up. This is the prescription from the Heavenly Doctor for your divine health.

Do not be wise. Fear God. Depart from evil.