People in authority

People in authority

Verses Proverbs 16: 12 to 15 deal with kings or those who are in authority heading organizations or governments. It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness (Proverbs 16:12).

Those who are in position of authority to rule or administer should be fair in their profession or career. They do not represent God in their places of authority as all power is ordained of God. The throne on which they sit is established by righteousness. They may be children of God or children of the world. Both of them would be judged by God for their wickedness.

Righteous lips

Righteous lips are the delight of kings; and they love him that speaketh right (Proverbs 16:13).

The leaders should speak righteous things, things which are righteous in the sight of God. They should not use their lips to defame, threaten or malign their opponents. Though they are supposed to use their lips for conveying their orders, they should not speak arrogant words.

They should support those people under their authority to speak right things. They should not encourage others to flatter them but to speak truth.

Today many leaders covet praises from the people under their authority by way of flattery or by way of lies.

Wrath of king

The wrath of a king is as messengers of death: but a wise man will pacify it (Proverbs 16:14).

Those who are in leadership should not get angry at all even if their subordinates commit mistakes. They should hold their peace even if they are slandered or charged falsely. A wise man in leadership will pacify the volatile situation by his words of wisdom.

If leaders show their fury, their fury will become a messenger of death to their organization. The words of the mouth would be misunderstood by the employees, the customers and the public. One wrong word by the head of an organization or a state would imperil the whole organization or the whole state, as the case may be.

King's countenance

In the light of the king's countenance is life; and his favour is as a cloud of the latter rain (Proverbs 16:15).

The leader of an organization or a state has to impart life to the organization or the state as the case may be. It is his personal righteousness that gives prosperity. If the leader of the king is unrighteous or immoral in his own personal life, he cannot influence the entire organization or the nation. We need men of integrity at the top echelon. The countenance of the leader has to radiate light, the truth always. When he does favour for the people under him, it comes as a cloud of the latter rain. The organization or the state will prosper materially and financially. It is not the investment or the material resources but the very character of those in leadership that sharpens the organizational machinery or the state machinery.

If a despot rules a nation, there will be short-term prosperity by regressive and retrograde measures. People may work as robots and produce goods and services. In the long-run, they will be worn out and their output will descend. But if a highly dedicated work-force under the visionary leadership of one who has the highest standards of integrity and who bestows favours on the work-force, produces goods and services, it will be always steady and ascend. The chart will never show a declining trend at all.

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