Model Father

A model father

Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy life shall be many.(Pro.4:10)

My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.

Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.

For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. (Pro.4:20-22)

You have a model father carved in the Word of God. Even if your father in flesh is not spiritual, you have a model father to guide and instruct you. He is a creation out of the Word. You can hear his voice as you read the Word of God. He loves you with a divine heart. He warns you against the deceitfulness of the sin in this world. He simply appeals to your conscience and exhorts you to receive his sayings. If you listen to his voice and obey him, the years of your life on this earth shall be many. These days, many young people in the Body of Christ die prematurely because they do not listen to the commandments of God in the Word. They divorce their spouses and remarry other persons during the life time of the spouses divorced. Many young people in the Body of Christ do get all kinds of physical ailments because they do not take care of their bodies and overeat. They never fast and pray. They do not minister to the poor saints, the widows, the orphans, etc. They spend all their incomes on leading comfortable and luxurious lives without any least concern for the above categories of people. All this shows that they do not receive "my sayings".

The model father is personal to you. He exhorts you to attend to his words of wisdom and to incline your ear unto his sayings. His sayings should not depart from your eyes and you should keep them in the midst of your heart. These days, we do not take heed to the words of the father. We follow the ways of this world. We throw to wind the words of the father when we are confronted with problems. What are the sayings of the father? Let us read the same in the Proverbs.