Mouth of righteous man

Mouth of righteous man

The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked (Pro.10:11).

In Proverbs, word of mouth is given special importance. As a righteous man, your mouth becomes a well of life. Do not curse or talk ill of other persons on their back. Through your mouth, word of faith or word of prophecy should flow. When you meet someone who is facing a problem, do not feel sorry for him or her but speak a word of life. Through your mouth, you can change the situation around you. Speak a word of healing when you meet someone who is sick. Our daily ministry is through our mouth. When you speak to a stranger on the street, speak a word of faith or a word of wisdom. Violence covers the mouth of the wicked. A wicked person cannot speak a word of life through his or her mouth. A wicked person conceals his thoughts of violence in his heart but makes a pretense of peace in his heart. Some angry people speak out of their hearts and show their violent spirit to others. But wicked people do not show up their violent spirit. They speak very nicely and entice you to their trap of wickedness. You need to discern a wicked person by the word of his mouth. A murderer while trailing his victim will not reveal his intent to kill but will entice the latter to a place of seclusion. The violence in the heart of the wicked is always concealed. It covers his mouth. However, by wisdom or by discernment, we can bring out what is hidden in the heart of the wicked.