A little with righteousness

A little with righteousness

Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right (Proverbs 16:8).

Righteousness, being right with God in all aspects of life, though with a little treasure, is better than great revenues being earned through illegal and unrighteous means. Even though we possess a little money or bank balance, we would be blessed of God if our ways are righteous before Him. This small worldly possession would be more than a great amount of illegal money earned through unrighteous means.

Today many servants of God own palatial bungalows, luxurious cars, assets earned through the sacrificial offerings of the people of God. These are great revenues without right. These are possessions earned by unrighteous means. If they had a little with righteousness, they would have been blessed by God in diverse ways. They would have enjoyed good health and their children would have been obedient to them.

Next....Lord directing steps