Sluggard in God's vineyard

Sluggard in God's vineyard

As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him (Pro.10:26).

Vinegar is dangerous to the teeth. Smoke is injurious to the eyes. The sluggard in God's vineyard are dangerous to the leaders who employ them in their missions. Many of us are sluggish in God's yard where the Holy Spirit has employed us. We just keep postponing King's work in preference to our own earthly activities. In the sight of God, we are like vinegar to the teeth. The acid in vinegar softens and dissolves the alkali of the bone finally impairing their texture and making it very difficult for the teeth to chew and digest food. As vinegar destroys impairs dental texture so we destroy the plans of God. The gospel that gives life to the millions is delayed and the spiritual food denied to the millions who perish. Smoke causes irritation in our eyes and even destroys them if we continue to be in a room full of smoke for long hours. God does not need sluggards in His vineyard. Sluggards are parasites on the body of Christ.