Way Seeming right

Way Seeming right

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death (Proverbs 14:12)

A way may seem good to you as the snares, pits, thorns are hidden from you. If you walk by this way, you will face destruction or death at the end of the way. You have to seek God's light unto your path before your commence your journey on this path. Just wait on Him and get a green signal from Him.

Today, unrighteous rulers or Chief Executives of organizations are taking important decisions keeping in mind good visions. The way by which they go seems right unto them but the output of their actions result in destruction or chaos. Initially, their organizations may reap windfall of profits but in the end their organizations would face extinction because of their acts of unrighteousness.

Next....Heart sorrowful in laughter