Slothful in work

Slothful in work

He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster (Proverbs 18:9).

A person who is slothful in his work is brother to one who is a great waster. Being slothful is tantamount to being a great waster. A slothful person wastes the resources which are available to him. He is good for nothing in any organization. Proverbs exposes the character of laziness in many verses. We cannot afford to have any slothful person in any organization. Japan did prosper economically and industrially after the great devastation of the second world war because the people were industrious.

There are many intelligent people but they are not industrious. A hard-working person, though being a dunce, will no doubt prove himself to be a great asset in any organization. A hard-working person by repeating a task through trial and error method excels an intelligent person who is slothful.

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