Contentious woman

Contentious woman

(Verses 15 and 26 of Chapter 27 in Proverbs are clubbed together).

A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike (Proverbs 27:15).

Whosoever hideth her hideth the wind, and the ointment of his right hand, which bewrayeth itself (Proverbs 27:16).

If it rains the whole day during a rainy season, people would not bear with this kind of continual dropping. Likewise, a contentious woman who disturbs the peace in a house is likened to the continual dropping that disturbs our normal life.

The contentious woman stands exposed and if her husband or anyone in the family who wants to hide her, hides the rageous wind. She is compared to the rageous wind that destroys the peace in the family. One who covers the contentious woman cannot hide the ointment on his right hand which was applied on the wounds sustained by the former due to the hurt caused by her conduct. Though the ointment can be washed off, its presence still lingers by its odour. Any mental pain caused by the contentious woman in a peaceful house cannot be erased from the mental slate of those who were affected by her conduct.

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