Warning Against Greediness

Warning Against Greediness

"Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird. And they lay wait for their own blood; they lurk privily for their own lives. So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; which taketh away the life of the owners thereof." Proverbs 1:17-19. If we are duly warned, as is the bird who sees the snare set for it, and we take heed to the warning, we will not be in danger. The Word of God and true ministers of God warn us so that we may not take part in ministries which are funded from greed. The Lord says, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." (Matthew 7: 20) The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, will bear witness in our spirit. "And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth." (I John 5:6b). A friend recently told me in dismay that she had been giving to one of the large, very visible ministries, and that in calling them for the last year's record of giving for tax purposes, she was told that they had no such record on her, but for a couple of months. She was disheartened, but admitted she had learned a very valuable lesson. Since God is just, she realized that there must have been warning signs which she did not heed. One was the offer of an "anointing oil" packet for an offering. Where do we read of Jesus selling His anointing? We don't. My friend had poured into this ministry as well as another large, questionable ministry - money that we determined should have been given to the widows and orphans, at least (James 1:27).

Such ministers with a view to making money lay wait for their own blood; they lurk privily for their own lives. The donors who give in the Name of God will not face the wrath of God, but those who receive the same by way of deceptions and manipulations do face His wrath. Ultimately, what happens to every such minister who has become greedy of gain? Until and unless he or she repents, he or she may himself or herself land in hell. The money takes him or her to the hell. Let us be very careful in money matters.

A dear sister in Christ from America who was my co-worker in this ministry narrated an episode here.

She read this modern-day parable: “A local couple received an unexpected windfall. Following the pattern for their lives, they thought to themselves, “What should we do, for truly we already have all that we need?’ Then they said, ‘We will do this – we will use this money to support those who are without, both those in our own community and those overseas who lack the basic things that we enjoy, and so often have taken for granted.’ And then we will say to our souls, ‘Souls, you have so much to be thankful for; give hospitality, advocate for others, volunteer, and pray.’ And God said to them, ‘My beloved faithful children, I will share with you my joys, my sorrows, my hopes, my dreams – and one day, when your part is done, I will welcome you home.’ “ This couple chose not to let “the prosperity of fools…destroy them.” (v.3). They heeded the wisdom of the Lord Jesus in the parable of the rich young ruler (Luke :15-21).

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