Lips of the righteous

Lips of the righteous

The lips of the righteous feed many: but fools die for want of wisdom (Pro.10:21).

As a child of God, your very lips feed many. As you speak words of wisdom or words of prophecy in Jesus' Name to someone who is in dire need, God meets the specific need of that person through your word of mouth. You need not always give to charity but can speak words of wisdom or prophecy because your tongue has the authority of God.

But fools die for want of wisdom. Fools in the Kingdom of Christ are those who are not disciples growing to the stature of Christ but remain as babes to be fed with spoons by their spiritual fathers and spiritual mothers. They die spiritually in the spiritual wilderness for want of wisdom. They do not seek wisdom from God. They do not know what they are supposed to do for their Heavenly Father. They just live like the children of the world, working from morning to evening without caring for the Kingdom of God. Millions of the children of God do undergo spiritual death. They do not believe in the promises of God for healing their sicknesses but want to be prayed for by others only. Of course, in the body of Christ, we are supposed to intercede for one another. Above all, we have to confess our sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (James 5:6). Many of us do not get relief from sicknesses but die physically for want of wisdom.