The upright versus the wicked

The upright versus the wicked

By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked (Prov.11:11).

The upright people of God bring blessing to the whole city in which they live. It is not merely by prayer for the city but also by the uprightness the city is blessed. When majority of the people in the city are unrighteous or do not walk uprightly, a small group of the people of God can walk uprightly. If one righteous person works sincerely for the whole organization, the whole organization will be blessed.But the city is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked. Words of mouth proceeding from the wicked affect the city economically and socially. God is looking for a small group of His people who walk uprightly so as to bring blessing to the whole city or the town in which they live. Let not the people of God though in a minority indulge in acts of corruption or in acts of unrighteousness. He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him (Pro.11:27).

As upright people, do we seek diligently to do good or to bring blessing to others?

If so, we will procure favour from others who deal with us. If we do good for others, in return, strangers or people not known to us will help us in any manner. If we seek mischief, definitely we will get the same from unknown quarters. Whatever we sow, we will repeap it.

Next.....Man void of wisdom and talebearer