Reproof for Our Good

Reproof for Our Good

Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.” Proverbs 1:23

If the Lord has to pour out His Spirit upon you and to make known His words unto you, you should accept His reproof and repent. God reproves through His word and through His servants. All the calamities that we face today are attributed to our not heeding His reproof. Many people claim to have received the Holy Spirit. They have not received the Holy Spirit, but a spirit of error from the devil. Without repentance, they pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The devil deceives them through a counterfeit spiritual experience. They become very emotional (soulish) and not spiritual. They have not repented after receiving God’s reproof." A dear sister from USA saw the following dream and had requested me to interpret it during May 2004: "I had a dream that I was in a church, and there was an altar call. I felt as though I needed to go up for prayer, but for some reason, I hesitated. I did go up after a few moments. The minister was a man in my old church who was praying for the people. When he came to me, he told me to go and to fall forward when he laid hands on me. As I did, I fell on the floor and started rolling. All I could see was stars in my mind. When I got up, I felt very dazed as I walked back to my seat”.

I interpreted the above dream as follows:

"Your vision is a prophetic one. The minister whom you saw in your old church is typical of a group of ministers. No doubt, they pray for their sheep, but cause the sheep under their care to go into captivity of the spirit of error (Antichrist-another christ), who is of the devil. It is a false revival fire. They experience outward emotional experiences, but their inward men remain unchanged. A false revival fire is poured out on their sheep in that they experience only emotional experiences and make physical movements of their bodies. But in their lives they do not have the spiritual experience of crucifixion with Christ and the dominion of the Holy Spirit. The minister seen by you in the dream asked you to fall down when he laid his hands on you. In a true revival, nobody would ask you to fall down. When the glory of God is revealed, you will fall down and worship Him."

Let us read the account of revival in Wales: "After you fell on the floor, you could see some stars in a vision. Seeing stars in a dream does not mean getting a revelation of God. You have seen only the stars created by God. You have merely gotten a revelation of the creatures of God and not of the Creator God. It is a deception only. The end-result is that you felt very dazed. All such emotional experiences (soulish) did not result in a revelation of God. When you get a revelation of God, you will feel your unworthiness; you will experience His love, and you will be filled with His love towards the Body of Christ. You will never feel dazed."

In the above vision, we find that the pastor concerned did not give any message of repentance. He merely asked the sister concerned to fall down when he placed his hands on her.

God pours out His Spirit upon those who repent on His reproof. God reproves the people through the glorious gospel. God reproves His own people for edification through His word. If we do not heed His reproof, we will never get the anointing of the Holy Spirit. He will never make His words known to us if we do not accept His reproof and turn from our own ways. Many servants of God claim to have received His revelations and visions. But they have not accepted His reproofs. The messages they preach from the pulpits are not His messages because God has not made known His words to them. They preach merely out of their head-knowledge of the Bible.