Slain or Safe?

Slain or Safe?

"For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.

But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil." Proverbs 1:32-33

When the simple who do hate knowledge and despise His counsels do not turn away from their evil ways, they will be slain spiritually. Similarly, the material prosperity of "fools," i.e. those who hate knowledge and despise His counsels, will destroy them spiritually. There is a progressive spiritual death taking place in the life of a child of God who hates knowledge and who despises His counsels. It does not take place in a single day. It takes place over a period of long time.

"But whoso hearkens unto Me [Wisdom] shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil." (v.33) In this particular time in our world, when evil is rampant, aren't we comforted to know that God has promised to keep us safe and not anxious or fearful, because we heed to His Word? Our part is to pay heed to His Wisdom, and His part is to keep us quiet from fear. God has not left us without a wonderful promise when we listen and obey Him! His promise can be appropriated by us if we do not hate knowledge and do not despise His counsels. The great lie of the deceiver is that there is a "better" way, and that God is not telling us the truth. This has been his lie since he deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden, and it continues to be his calling card today. Oh that God will open our eyes to His Truth and to the deception of the enemy!

There is a great deception in our churches where pastors lead their congregations to a false spiritual experience of being slain in the spirit. Is it a safe doctrine?

Next.....Hinding His Commandments