
Wicked messenger versus faithful ambassador

A wicked messenger falleth into mischief: but a faithful ambassador is health (Pro.13:17).

A wicked messenger is one who gives a false message or a lying message. The messenger falls into mischief when people come to know about the falsehood. But a faithful ambassador who gives a true message gives health. A messenger or an ambassador is engaged by a higher authority. He or she has to remain faithful to his employer or the authority who engages him or her. If he does not remain faithful, then he causes mischief not only to his employer or to the people to whom he communicates the message of his employer or authority. At times, the messenger gives a false message or twists the message of his employer with the result that he falls into mischief when exposed. If the messenger is faithful, then he or she becomes a faithful ambassador. An ambassador is in a higher rank than a messenger.The faithful ambassador gives health to his or her organization. Even if the employer or the organization becomes sick, the faithful ambassador can restore health to the employer or the organization concerned.

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