Wisdom and understanding for son

Wisdom and understanding for son

My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding:

That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge. (Pro.5:1-2)

Here, the Holy Spirit calls the people of God individually "My son." It is also applicable to the women of God. In the sight of God, we are all masculine in nature. The Proverbs, a pool of wisdom, does not distinguish a man of God from a woman of God. It does not call any woman of God "My daughter." You may be a female. But if you are in Christ Jesus, you are "My son" indeed. A son has more privileges than a daughter. A son is supposed to be bolder than a daughter. A son is supposed to work harder than a daughter. A son is supposed to be a warrior more than a daughter. If you are a son in Christ Jesus, then you have to attend His wisdom which comes from above and to bow your ear to His understanding. Understanding means understanding His commandments or His instructions in righteousness.

You need to have His wisdom and understanding so that you may regard discretion and that your lips may keep knowledge. Discretion follows wisdom and knowledge. Discretion is the fruit of wisdom and knowledge. Discretion is seen in the acts of the person who has received wisdom and knowledge. Discretion is manifested through the acts. For example, a child of God is filled with wisdom and he possesses wonderful knowledge. Then he invents or produces something wonderful which is seen by others. Discretion is thus ultimately seen. The wisdom of a child of God will definitely result in discretion. A child of God filled with wisdom and understanding reveals knowledge through his lips. Wisdom and understanding are inputs whereas knowledge is the output. Knowledge means knowing God. The children of the world acquire worldly wisdom and understanding but do not know God. A child of God has to speak as the oracle of God in this world. Through his lips only, the children of the world will hear the gospel.