Words of righteousness

Words of righteousness

All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them.

They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge. (Pro.8:8-9)

All the words that proceed from your mouth are in righteousness. You may be a teacher in a school or a college. You may be an executive in an office. All your words have to be in righteousness and nothing forward or perverse should be found in these words. Do not exaggerate your words. While marketing your products, tell the truth about your products. Your messages should be very plain to be easily understood. Use simple words and examples to drive home the point. Do not imitate someone. Be the original person. Do not copy someone’s message and claim the same as your own. But you can preach or use someone’s message, giving the original author due credit. The words that you write or speak should look right to them who look for knowledge through your words. Knowledge should not be partial but full. If you do not know something, you should not write or speak about that subject until and unless you obtain mastery over the subject.